pretty old Gibson lying in an antique baby cradle in the courtyard of the boxing gym below my studio.
favorite lens, bills. stapler, water, bracelet. speedlight, 318’s ipod. pile of cd’s. aster menu, pink pen. (my desk)
clubby DJ, cocktails. spring dresses, hair. rooftop business casual, hand gesture conversations
ninja costume, skinned knees, squealing 4 year old, sticks + rocks
bike ride, studio, white paint, bare feet, silence
Random contents of my purse: a pinecone, kid’s hair detangler, crushed lilacs, and a smoke alarm. #stillhaventfoundmyphone -@breathingdakota
clean sheets, basket of fresh laundry, open window, son’s painting shirt from kindergarten
#wordphoto: kleenex, bowl of rocks, task list in pink pen, chicken cup, paint stick, art map
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