via @ARTCRANK Fall coffee morning honey + dogs dreaming planning making west coast website worldwide bigger than life + real up close
iMac, iPhone, giant cup of black coffee, Batman pencil sharpener, London calling, pile of pencils and Sharpies, breeze #wordphoto #freelancerlife via @cleverkate
whale pajamas, cranking on to do list, bakugan party, @peterwolfcrier, @cleverkate. good stuff.
mermaid hair, fading soap bubbles, crumpled beach towel, sand in the bottom of bathtub
sand, plastic shovels, sand, wet stringy hair, sand, umbrella, sand, squealing kids. sand
precor, purple track shorts, sweatstains in the shape of Australia, thin era Janet Jackson videos, yoga mat, antibacterial wipes
diet coke, carmex. crumpled quilt, empty ice cream bowl, kleenex. claritin.
(@voocreative) pink sky. westies under the table. shirtless neighbor handing his wife’s bad art. #wordphoto
the RN taps her index finger. taptaptap. taptaptap. taptaptap. taptaptap.
Bleak block. Vito the cat man -xenophibic ideals and sparce, husky teeth. Chinatownies walking one clip behind your heels. Gutted ducks bleeding out on the line next to the laundry. Archie Bunker-land. Shut-ins, worn out houses and cats shot in… Continue Reading →
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