elli rader dot com




salty coat, salty skin, cold feet, hot tea. #mn #wordphotos

things I learned about Pennsylvania in a day and a half

(i didn’t take this picture) 1) it has almost as many tunnels as it does trees, and it has an eternity of trees. 2) it looks exactly like all those jigsaw puzzles I did. 3) it’s pretty historic-feeling. it just… Continue Reading →

the list of touring bands i want to see is growing smaller

andrew bird calexico josh ritter aimee mann danny schmidt

listening in alphabetical order

south st. paul —> minneapolis i am part of a large family i am still here i am the drug i am the odd one i am the walrus i am trying to break your heart i am weary with… Continue Reading →

details about the new show . . .

The Fox Egg Gallery, MinneapolisOpening Reception Sunday March 11, 2012 from 4pm – 6pm

rest: a request

i am working on a new project that explores my desire to rest. to have quiet. i just want to close my eyes. do you want this? how do you get this?  i wonder how much of our time we… Continue Reading →

i found this letter in the snow

cool wary distance

quiet, bench

i want to sit on this bench but i don’t want to ruin the stillness


she is upstairs in a bathing suit, dancing to the nutcracker. dreaming of spring.

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